Friday, February 4, 2011

Today was neat!

A ni su. (ah knee soo) which means good night in Bambara literally translated as "you (plural) and night." I learned some basic phrases in Bambara today after having an extensive lesson about diarrhea.  I can ask names, and greet people.  After classes I played a game of soccer with some people, then dinner, then I learned how to take tea in the local tradition.  It is a very strong green tea from China and they add a lot of sugar.  We drink from what are essentially shot glasses after a very long ceremony of making the tea and pouring it.  I talked to one of our local language trainers for several hours after tea.  His name is pronounced Seesay, but I'm not totally sure of the spelling.  Maybe Cice.  Anyways, he is basically fluent in English, but I taught him some english sayings. Such as the word "pun" and "cold turkey" as he was talking about quitting smoking.  Then he said that he liked rock and roll, so I asked him what his favorite band is and he said Metallica.  I thought that was really neat for obvious reasons.  He also likes Scorpions, Def Leppard, and Deep Purple.  Then we listened to some music he has loaded on his phone, and talked about it (mostly in very halting French), but I was proud of how well I did.  He showed me some Malian music too.  I told him I could play one of the Metallica songs he had me listen to on the guitar and he was very impressed.  He thought is was really really cool.  He asked me about guitar solos and I said they are tres difficile.  It was my coolest experience thus far.  I walked back to the huts with him and we talked about snakes in French.  He is afraid of them. 
Also, I got my cell phone today.  Within a minute of getting it I managed to lock it because the menus were in French, and it took me a long time to figure out how to unlock it.  Then I figured out how to change the menus to English, but I still don't know how to make calls even to other Mali cell phones.  It says I have credits, but it doesn't seem to work very well.  Okay, my day rocked, but it is late and I am tres fatigue.  Bonnuit.

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